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Revision från EU Kommissionen - Livsmedelsverket
EPSO and the EU recruitment system A-Z; The exam procedure: tests and the assessment center; Requirements: languages, qualifications, work experience *While the EPSO process is open only to EU citizens, the session will include useful information for non-EU citizens who would like to pursue careers that relate to the work of the EU. EPSO/AD/382/20 (CO362) JRC COM/1/2015/GFIV-Research (CO131): EPSO CAST Permanent Testing EPSO/AD/381/20 (CO354) EPSO/AST-SC/10/20 (CO310) COM/AD/01/20 (CO364) Welcome to ESRA,. ESRA is the JRC's database-driven web application that manages part of the recruitment process for Trainees, Grantholders, Cast and Auxiliary contract staff at the JRC.. A short manual is available for consultation, which should provide the necessary guidance in filling out the online application form.. The handling and processing of your personal data is described in a Apply now. A European Union trade mark (EUTM) grants you exclusive rights in all current and future Member States of the European Union through a single registration, filed online. It is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely, for subsequent periods of 10 years.
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The first advice is: we recommend you NOT TO UNDER-ESTIMATE THE TIME to complete and send it! 8.7.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 184 A/5 2.1.3. APPLY ONLINE APPLICATION PROCEDURE To apply, follow the instructions for the various steps on the EPSO website. When writing your application you are asked for your motivation to work for the EU. Giving EPSO good reasons for why you would like to pursue an EU career can be a daunting task. Nobody wants to write cliché stuff or "jiberish", so this can be a real thought-exercise for anyone taking it seriously (and we do recommend taking it seriously!).
Revision från EU Kommissionen - Livsmedelsverket
eu/epso/application/cv_new/index.cfm. Your session timed out.
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What were you looking for? (Leave your email address if you want a reply) Se hela listan på EASO Practical guide on the use of country of origin information by case officers for the examination of asylum applications Read it now.
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NEW – updated 19/03/2021: EPSO is constantly monitoring the evolution of the coronavirus COVID-19. Due to the unpredictability of the situation, EPSO is still following all appropriate precautionary measures in line with the instructions and guidelines provided by the EU institutions and national authorities. 25 rows
The content of the agencies’ websites and vacancy notices therein is not EPSO's responsibility. Please note that not all available vacancies are displayed on this site and some positions may only be open to successful candidates of Contract Agent Selection (CAST) procedures. Europa > EPSO > Applications Personal data; Personal Data Protection; Account Setup; Username (login) Password .
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12.00 (belgisk tid) 1 dag sedan · Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/142 of 5 February 2021 updating the list of persons, groups and entities subject to Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism, and repealing Decision (CFSP) 2020/1132 You can view your application form at any time, by going to your EPSO account. • If you have applied for a contract agent selection procedure, you may be The EPSO Account is the electronic record of your personal details and all applications for EPSO selection procedures.
You have to enable javascript in your browser to use an application built with Vaadin. APPLICATIONS OPEN! EPSO Administrators In Chemicals Policy Competition.
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The applications for a different function group than yours will not be EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place to start! Search |; Legal notice |. JOBBA FÖR EU Europa > EPSO > Ansökningar.
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EPSO Administrators In Chemicals Policy Competition. March 2021 EPSO Planning. EPSO announces NEW competition release dates + CBT & AC exam periods. EPSO er et interinstitutionelt kontor med ansvar for at udvælge personale til alle EU's institutioner og agenturer, herunder Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet, Europa-Kommissionen, Domstolen, Revisionsretten, EU-Udenrigstjenesten, Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg, Regionsudvalget, Den Europæiske Tilsynsførende for Databeskyttelse og Den Europæiske Ombudsmand. Main page of the European Parliament’s plenary website.
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The details of an open competition are set out in a Notice of Competition, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Union and made available on the EPSO website. The Notice includes information on the Before starting with your application, you should make sure that all the details in your EPSO account are up to date. When the application process for an EPSO competition opens, you should: Give yourself lots of time to fill out the online application form Make sure you validate your application before the deadline – this is YOUR responsibility Deadline for registration: 13 November 2018 at 12.00 (midday), CET The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on qualifications and tests, to draw up two reserve lists from which the European Commission, mainly the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Subscribe to our Newsletter and/or Press Releases.
JOBBA FÖR EU Europa > EPSO > Ansökningar. Hantera Kan jag boka om en ”case”-övning, skriftligt prov på området, inkorgsövning eller översättningsprov? Om Epso · Varför ett EU-jobb? Jobbprofiler · Hur söker jag? EU-kommissionen söker översättare till sina språkavdelningar i Bryssel och Read more and apply here ➡️ #shapingeuropetogether #eucareers #myeucareer