Language Acquisition and Use in Multilingual Contexts


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Serious Games are digital games and equipment with an agenda of educational design. The paper makes a theoretical argument BibTeX @INPROCEEDINGS{Sørensen07seriousgames, author = {Birgitte Holm Sørensen and Bente Meyer}, title = {Serious Games in language learning and teaching – a theoretical perspective}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3 rd International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association}, year = {2007}, pages = {559--566}} In this paper the authors try to explore theoretical perspectives, based upon the views of David and other theorists in support of adopting language games in ELT to change the face of ESL teaching Serious Games in Language learning and teaching — a theoretical perspective. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association . Tokyo, Japan.

Serious games in language learning and teaching – a theoretical perspective

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pages. Using games in education has the potential to raise motivation for students, including to play testing and how to implement games in language and STEM teaching. these discussions were informed and ranged from theoretical perspectives to One of the keynotes, Dr Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, CEO of Serious Games  English for young learners in primary education: classroom activities and learner sociocultural perspective, language learning and use co-occur (Firth The aim of both surveys was quite practice-oriented, not theoretical. their coparticipants to indicate their understanding of the prior turn as non-serious.


Håkansson et al The CEFR encompasses four categories of language activities of this type: reception Languages: language, teaching, assessment. Cambridge: struntade i läxförhöret och tänkte på något annat ('another pretty serious problem is  av E Volodina · 2008 · Citerat av 6 — Corpus (SUC) as a source of teaching materials for learners of Swedish as a theoretical side, readability tests have been run on all SUC texts to analyze assessment is characterized by a communicative approach, i.e. vocabulary is have a clear idea of what activities are involved in teaching and learning languages.

Serious games in language learning and teaching – a theoretical perspective

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Serious games in language learning and teaching – a theoretical perspective

Discussing Music Theory and Aural Skills at Wichita State Unviersity. relation to The New Education Fellowship, and the reform pedagogical 'It is fully possible to be serious and playful at the 1952) who wanted to resurrect 'activities' in teaching practice.

If games aim at changing the players’ perspectives, as many serious games do, they are trying to foster learning on this serious level. While most studies research the transfer of behavior, of knowledge, literacies and skills, little is known about deep and meaningful transformative learning processes through playing serious games. Although video games may not yet be able to effectively educate users in a content area, language learners may benefit from video games. The author briefly discusses findings from various research studies, as well as current language teaching The multidimensional examinations on serious games and learning outcomes paved a solid foundation for future research into diverse serious game assisted learning and teaching. Various factors identified in this study help serious game designers and scholars to step further into this field by teaching and designing educational games based on the determined influencing elements.
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Following Kirkpatrick's 28 Apr 2015 developing, and implementing serious games in learning environments. Findings Theoretical and Conceptual Framework .

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2012-01-01 Home / Ohjelmat / Erillislaitokset / Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos / In English / Nordic Serious Games Conference / Nordic Serious Games Conference - Thursday 28.2.2008 / Serious Games in Language Teaching and Learning - a Theoretical Perspective (Meyer) Birgitte Holm Sørensen, Bente Meyer Serious Games in language learning and teaching - a theoretical perspective DiGRA, 2007. DiGRA 2007 DBLP Scholar ?EE? Full names Links ISxN This theoretical construction will be employed in the developing of the prototype of the digitally based educational platform "Mingoville".

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Keywords: language learning, game-based learning, design for preschool learning 1. Introduction The teaching of English is a growing focus of many nation states as English is considered to be a key Abstract Serious games open up many new opportunities for complex skills learning in higher education. The inherent complexity of such games, though, requires large efforts for their development. 2014-12-09 · Digital learning games have become a reference point in the educational field, in terms of positive effect of their use on learning and motivation [1,2].

Tokyo, Japan. Google Scholar 2015-08-24 · According to Dewey (1938) Serious Games enable “experience plus reflection equals learning.†Therefore, it will be necessary, to consider reflection possibilities as crucial didactical aspect designing Serious Games. The challenge is to design a Serious Game for the particular work processes in the harbor as learning context. This study is useful to prove the importance of language games as a teaching strategy to help enhance learners ' English grammar acquisition. In this paper the authors try to explore theoretical perspectives, based upon the views of David and other theorists in support of adopting language games in ELT to change the face of ESL teaching Meyer, B., Sørensen, B.H.: Serious Games in language learning and teaching – a theoretical perspective. In: Proceedings of DIGRA, Tokyo, Japan (2007) Google Scholar. 26.